Personal Trainer/Fitness Coach for 15+ years, Panos has always been passionate about fitness. From day one he's been hungry to learn more and couldn't wait to apply that knowledge in real life. His professionalism, knowledge and passion make him a great candidate for pretty much anything health and fitness related; including nutrition, fat loss, hypertrophy, sports specific training, physical rehabilitation and post injury therapy.
His experience;
Former soccer player for a second division team in EU.
2-year military experience.
1-year BJJ trainee.
1-year Junior Basketball Team Assistant Coach.
15+ years 1-1 Personal Training experience with people aging from 10-65 years old.
3 years Personal Training Manager for gyms in NYC.
-Strength Training
-Fat Loss
-Sport Specific Training (Explosiveness, Agility, Endurance)
-Corrective Exercise
-Cupping Therapy
-Pre/Post Injury Rehabilitation
-Physical Rehabilitation (Posture, Muscle Imbalances, Flexibility)